- Type: Frutta e Dolci
Croccanti Misti - F.lli Scimeca Pasticceria
Produced by a Sicilian company
Made as per tradition
Superior quality and taste
Short supply chain: from the producer to your home!
Croccanti Misti
Formato: 250g e 280 g
Ingredienti: Pistacchio, mandorle, nocciole, sesamo, zucchero, miele, sciroppo di glucosio, latte in polvere, emulsionante.
Allergeni: pistacchio, mandorle, nocciole, sesamo. Senza aggiunta di conservanti.
I nostri Croccanti Misti: Pistacchi sgusciati, mandorle, nocciole, semi di sesamo, rigorosamente siciliani, per creare un dolce che esalti il gusto.
Nella confezione troverete 4 tipologie di croccantini: al pistacchio, alle mandorle, al sesamo e alle nocciole.
La Pasticceria Scimeca
La Pasticceria Scimeca è una azienda a conduzione familiare di Caccamo (provincia di Palermo), giovane ed ambiziosa, che facendo propria l'antica tradizione dolciaria Siciliana si propone di offrire prodotti di altissima qualità e servizi eccellenti.
La nostra produzione rispecchia i valori della Sicilia più buona, quindi la ricerca delle migliori materie che la nostra splendida terra sa offrirci, ed il calore umano tipico del Siciliano che diventa passione nel suo lavoro.
Solo su Emporio Sicilia www.emporiosicilia.it con un click avrai a casa tua i nostri Croccanti Misti
We are committed to bringing to your home the best taste and freshness that the Sicilian artisan food and wine tradition has to offer!
For this reason, ordinary delivery times, from the moment of notification of shipment, are generally between 7 and 15 working days:
- In some cases the products are immediately available and ready to leave in a short time and therefore we will proceed with shipping immediately! Shipping within the national territory can also affect the speed.
- In other cases , to guarantee maximum freshness and quality, the products are made specifically for your order! So, to produce your freshest specialties, it takes its time. International shipping may also affect the speed.
We know that speed is an important factor and for this reason we are committed to processing your orders in the shortest time.
You can follow the progress of your shipment with the no. tracking that will arrive by email a few days after the order, when the package is ready to be shipped to you!
Our staff is always available to provide you with all the information on your order and to ensure that you receive the best of our products in the shortest time possible!
Important information for USA Customers : unfortunately at the moment we CANNOT ship ALCOHOL and FISH IN OIL.
Important information for SWITZERLAND and UK customers: unfortunately we CANNOT ship ALCOHOL at the moment.
However, let's remember that all the other products are available... and delicious! Thank you.
Croccanti Misti - F.lli Scimeca Pasticceria